Had to pass this along. The Coalition of Essential Schools has started The Essential Blog. It’s a collaborative blog (of course) with a mix of student, teacher and administrator voices. Definitely worth watching.
A View From the Schoolhouse
Had to pass this along. The Coalition of Essential Schools has started The Essential Blog. It’s a collaborative blog (of course) with a mix of student, teacher and administrator voices. Definitely worth watching.
I just found the first thing I hate about Serendipity. I just had a long entry based on this article from today’s Times on Tenure, Turnover and the Quality of Teaching. But I timed out of the administration and lost the whole thing.
This really takes the cake for the petty arrogance of the president. This exchange took place at a press briefing yesterday between Bush and the AP reporter:
Q Sir, in regard to —
THE PRESIDENT: Who are you talking to?
Q Mr. President, in regard to the June 30th deadline, is there a chance that that would be moved back?
Now, I ask you, what is this about? I mean, does this conjure up an image of Cowboy George pounding his chest, World Wrestling-style, screaming, "SAY MY NAME… SAY MY NAME!!!!"
Does he really need to be demanding this from the press-corps? I mean, "Sir" isn’t respectful enough?
Personally, I think it’s time to ditch the protest zones and make sure Mr. President powerfully understands how little respect much of the country has for him.
(Oh… and for the record, let’s talk about the disparity between the Protest Zones which makes sure that any visuals of a Bush rally look 100% solid and the Flip-Flop Brigage that is now showing up anywhere Kerry speaks. Mr. President — if you can’t stand the heat…)
Thanks to Air America radio for the initial tip on the story.