It’s that time again! EduCon 2.8 is open for registration!
What is EduCon, you say?
EduCon is both a conversation and a conference.
It is an innovation conference where we can come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas — from the very practical to the big dreams.
The Axioms
The guiding principles behind EduCon
- Our schools must be inquiry-driven, thoughtful and empowering for all members.
- Our schools must be about co-creating — together with our students — the 21st Century Citizen.
- Technology must serve pedagogy, not the other way around.
- Technology must enable students to research, create, communicate, and collaborate.
- Learning can — and must — be networked.
Come to Philadelphia from January 29 – 31, 2016 (yeah, we know, it’s cold) for an incredible three days of learning together where the very pedagogy of the conference is a model the learning we want for our students.
And make EduCon even better – facilitate one of our conversations. Submissions for conversations are open now until November 1st.
This year’s theme is “Empowerment.” Join us as we ask the question – “What are the conditions necessary for empowerment?”
See you in Philly at SLA!
(This overlaps, unfortunately, with AMTE 2016.)