As a former English teacher, and as someone who believes that programs that work should continue, I’m very deeply dismayed by the Department of Education’s decision not to fund the National Writing Project. NWP has, for many, many years been an unequivocal good in education. There are few pure wins in education, but NWP is one of them.
If you need more convincing, SLA teacher Zac Chase has made the argument in a much more compelling fashion. Go read what he wrote. Here’s a sample:
Were this simply an impassioned plea, I would have hesitated to write. The data speaks for itself, the National Writing Project has offered a significant return on investment in its 36 year history. Federal funding for the NWP must be maintained if we are to continue striving to meet the Projects goal of a future where every person is an accomplished writer, engaged learner, and active participant in a digital, interconnected world.
Then, when you’re done, write to your Congressmen and Senators. Urge them to to sign Rep. Miller’s Dear Colleague letter. The National Writing Project is an important organization that has created a national network of teachers who share a vision and a plan to help students find their voices, both on and off-line. They deserve our support, and we all benefit from their continued work.