No… I haven’t given up blogging.

I’ve had a bunch of issues around upgrading this blog from a several year old 0.8 release of the software to a more recent one, and I didn’t want to start writing new blog entries until those issues were resolved. They still aren’t, but I feel more confident that I won’t lose these entries in the meantime — which is good.

So far, the only casualty was the loss of comments from blog entries in September, October and November. (Sorry about that. Not sure what happened to them.)

The end goal is to ring in 2010 with upgraded blog software and an upgraded look to the blog. It is starting to look very, very 2005, and we can’t have that.

So stick with me… sorry for the lack of noise coming from the blog. I’m coming back soon. What’s been nice about this month is that there have been a TON of times I’ve really wanted to blog, which tells me that I’ve still got something to say on this thing.

(And hey… go read my article in this month’s Principal Leadership Magazine entitled Shifting Ground. Woo hoo!)