I’ve been neglecting the blog lately. I’m still here, and I’m still trying to write… but I’m finding myself with a good old-fashioned case of stuckness lately.

There are a ton of things I want to be writing about, but I’m finding that I’m not all that coherent lately. (Yeah, I know, that’s the case when I am writing, too.)

What I am hoping is that I’m in a gestation period. I’m talking to a lot of people. I’m reading a lot. I’m listening a lot. And where I hope I’m going is to a place where I can articulate new questions, new answers and new thoughts. But right now, I feel like I’ve still in that place where I’m either writing posts I’ve already written or the posts that I want to write are so long and daunting that I’m not sure where to start.

But I’m at the beach this week, and — going to Philly today for a summit at Penn notwithstanding — I’m trying to use this time to get my head around some ideas I’m playing with. And I think I’m going to start writing a lot of the kinds of posts I’ve gotten away from lately — asking a lot of questions and seeing what answers come out… but I miss blogging, which tells me it is time to start writing again.

And maybe this meta-writing post is just a way to force myself back into that habit of writing.

Anyway… that’s the most coherent idea on my mind tonight.