[Written this time by Kat…]

Good news from our corner of the world – Theo is recovering very nicely from his emergency surgery last Thursday. In fact, we were happy to enjoy an uneventful and drama-free weekend. As of Monday, he was extubated, today his stomach tube was taken out, and tonight his nasal support was taken out – we were almost stunned to realize that there was an actual baby underneath!

Theo’s doctor is going to be conservative on feeding him, etc., and predicts it will likely be 10-14 days before he goes home. He’s got a few more hurdles to clear, and the last one will be the next surgery to remove the colostomy bag and reattach the colon in 4-6 weeks, but all of this feels much more doable than it did a week ago. We’re proud to say that our Renaissance boy is also contributing to science by participating in a national study on antiseptics in babies under two months of age. That’s his day job. Current hobbies include looking cute, sucking on his pacifier, and trying to make sense of faces.

We’re hoping that we don’t send out many more update notes we send out because Theo will continue to do well. We’d really like to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and acts of kindness. It has been a tough year, and a really tough couple of weeks, but at no point have we ever felt alone through this, and we’ve often felt buoyed by the love you have sent our way. Hopefully we are through the worst of it.

As many of you know, we aren’t particularly religious. However, I was thinking today about how Theodore’s name translates as “gift of God”. The silver lining to this whole situation has been another gift we’ve received — the wonderful generosity of so many of the people in our lives. For that, and for our son’s continuing health, we are extremely grateful.

Kat, Chris, Jakob and Theo