(found on Eschaton)

Soledad O’Brien interviewed Bruce Springsteen, and she kept trying to hammer at Springsteen with questions about whether or not it’s appropriate for musicians to have a political viewpoint. This, of course, as he has just come out with The Seeger Sessions CD, a tribute to one of the most eloquent and passionate musician activists of the 20th Century, Pete Seeger.

I do find it offensive that people think music should just entertain us. Music should challenge us – inspire us – make us think. And Springsteen has been doing that for going on 40 years. In the 80s, when Reagan appropriated "Born in the USA" for his campaign, Springsteen started playing a cover of "War (What Is It Good For?)" before "Born in the USA" just in case anyone missed that the song wasn’t exactly a rah-rah Reagan-esque vision of America.

Watch the video — Springsteen seems actually amused and on the verge of anger that he’s getting asked these questions.