Rod Paige has called the NEA a "Terrorist Organization." He would have you believe that the rank and file of the union membership — teachers, of course — are all in favor of NCLB, but it’s only the union that is against it.

This is just more outrageous behavior from the man responsible for some very questionable data reporting on the so-called "Houston Miracle." This administration just doesn’t trust and doesn’t like teachers — especially public school ones.

But Paige’s statements go way too far for me. Calling the largest teachers’ union a terrorist organization is an unforgivable insult to the profession. Rod Paige should resign, and I’m telling the President myself.

Here’s my letter:

Dear President Bush,

As a teacher (and UFT member), I am outraged by Secretary Paige’s statement calling the NEA a "terrorist organization." For the Secretary of Education to have such blatant disrespect for the largest union of teachers is an insult to those of us who work hard every day for our nation’s children.

An apology from Mr. Paige is not enough, as he has shown a powerful disrespect for teachers with his comments. Rod Paige should resign from his position as Secretary of Education, as he has shown himself unwilling to work with one of the largest organizations acting as a force for good in the lives of America’s children.

Yours truly,
Chris Lehmann
Beacon High School
New York City, NY