Once again, Congress is rushing to give the appearance of protecting us from the big scary internet. This time, it’s the Deleting Online Predators Act — the aptly named DOPA.

Some day, Congress is going to realize that blocking sites isn’t the way to teach kids to be responsible and safe internet users. Some day, Congress is going to realize that trying to block "bad" sites like MySpace ends up blocking lots of really, really good sites as well. Some day, the public is going to really think about the values we hold as a society and realize that the internet only shows us the best and worst of what and who we are as a society. And some day, we’ll all realize that teaching kids to be active, involved citizens, able to make informed and intelligent decisions about the materials they read and post on the internet is the best defense against the dark side of the internet that gets splashed all over the news these days.

Until then, read what folks like Will and Doug and David and Tom have to say. And then, go take a look at Will’s sample letter.

Then write your own to your Congressman.

And keep writing and calling until what we all do makes a difference.