[Because not every post has to be about education…]

Watching the Oscar Red Carpet show on E! with Kat… and William Hurt now has gotten to the point in his life where he looks exactly like my boss, Paul Vallas. I’m not kidding. I even googled a picture of Paul Vallas and made Kat compare. She agrees.

We both agree — Nicole Kidman has had way too much botox lately and perhaps some plastic surgery.

The opening montage — funny… good bit. I wanted Dave to do a "Uma – Oprah" reference.

Jon Stewart’s opening… got better as he got going, but not that great. (although the homo-eroticism in Westerns bit was classic.) I’m a huge Jon Stewart fan, but he looked nervous, and in this strange way, I felt like he didn’t quite nail his audience. One of the best moments was Clooney’s reaction to the "Good Night and Good Luck" comment.

I’m thrilled Clooney won. I loved Syriana and Good Night and Good Luck, and his "O.k., I’m not winning Best Director" comment was hysterical. Moreover, his "pride in the academy" speech was dead on and needed. It’s time for more Hollywood types to take pride in their willingness to put issues in front of America. Clooney has publicly stated that he believes that he has to use the time he has a power player in Hollywood to make movies that matter. Good for him, and I’m glad he won.

Rachel Weisz wins for Best Support Actress — I think lots of folks are now wondering if this means that this won’t be a big Brokeback Mountain year. Another good speech too.

Lauren Bacall clearly was having a hard time reading the monitor… and by the end, she was clearly unhappy about it. That being said, the film noir clips were fantastic.

Kat and I both wondered if Charlize Theron was angry about the "campaign ad" joke skit.

And now, I’m tired… enjoy the rest of the Oscars.