[This was originally going to be a comment on a blog where folks were getting angry in the comments… I realized I just might have been projecting a bit.]

I think there’s something else that we have to be aware of right now. I think there’s a lot of collective exhaustion going on. It’s that time of year where folks feel the grind. In Pennsylvania, it’s PSSA time… the economy is lousy… people are fearful about their jobs and wondering how much their lives are going to change. And I think there’s a lot of disconnect within our profession right now, and it didn’t magically disappear with a new administration.

I’m not posting many blog entries right now because what I’m writing isn’t public writing, certainly not in any helpful sense. I’m tired and cranky and my writing feels that way, and I know it isn’t productive stuff. And worse, I know I’m not a whole hell of a lot of fun to be around right now. (My apologies to all those who have to deal with me in real life.) For me, it’ll pass… and part of my process lately has been to try to figure out what I need to do to help that along. One thing I’m trying to do is remember what my sphere of influence is — and to focus on the places I can have the greatest impact and to let go of the "reaches" for right now. That’s not always an easy thing for me to recognize, and it’s an even harder thing for me to come to terms with. But it’s what I need to do right now.

Interestingly, though, one thing that is interesting is that I’m hearing much the same story from urban folks, suburban folks, east coast, west coast, etc… I’m hearing a very frustrated tone from a lot of educators right now, and I’m hearing more and more stories of kids coming stressed over the economic hardships or stories of the college process being an even more tortured process this year, and just stories of exhausted educators who aren’t finding the renewal that they usually do with the coming of spring. In general, I think schools and teachers and kids are feeling the effects of living in very uncertain times, and that can’t be a good thing.

It’s one thing to hypothesize, but it’s another thing to try to come up with ways out. In addition to trying to say the serenity prayer a whole lot more often right now, I’m trying to dial up my level of care with people — and that has to include myself (even if I am dealing with some insomnia by blogging). I’m trying (and REALLY not succeeding all the time) to be more understanding — both of others and of my own limitations. I think it’s helpful if we all remember our shared humanity and our shared sense of purpose and give each other the benefit of the doubt right now. In the end, if we have built healthy communities — healthy schools — then now is the time to rely on that — to rely on each other, and find our way through to some healthier times.

(And hey, Spring Break isn’t too far away…)