
I got home a few moments ago from the 2005 Beacon Film Festival. It was over two hours of original films by Beacon students from Kate Reed’s New Media and Advanced Digital Film classes. Kate has put up the trailer for the festival online. It hints at the variety and talent of the films, but really they have to be seen to be believed. (And yes, you can order the DVD of this year’s festival for only $20!)

What tonight reinforced… aside from the fact that Kate is a much better New Media teacher than I was… is what students can do when they have a dedicated teacher to inspire them and the equipment they need to carry out their vision. Tonight reminded all of us in the room of how technology can transform education, not just because it’s technology, but because it can provide the tools students need to achieve a vision.

Anyone who ever doubts what students can do when they are empowered… both by a progressive pedagogy and the equipment to back it up… come by Beacon. Let us show you what our kids can do.