For the New Year, Wired Magazine has published its 101 Ways to Save the Internet, and it’s an interesting list. It’s got suggestions for just about everyone from Apple to Microsoft to the government… although, I was wondering where the Linux suggestions were, especially with the all the changes going on with Red Hat.

It does make you wonder… what is the next phase for the internet? Clearly, WiFi is already here to stay. With the cell-phone, picture camera, does-the-dishes PDA devices, no one thinks that using the internet means being changed to a desk anymore (as I type this from my laptop with a wireless router, sitting in a comfy chair…), but what is next?

For me, blogging represents my continued hope that the internet can be used to increase the amount of real communication that can happen between people. Perhaps more powerfully, as we saw the first internet wave of individuality get overrun by the same corporate culture that existed in the "bricks and mortar" world, we now see blogging as a way that alternative voices are getting heard again. Do we live in a segmented world where we all surround ourselves with voices that reinforce what we already believe? Perhaps. That’s my concern, but at least there are different segments this way.